They are not Just Crazy...
As I presented in the last class, my topic is censorship of the internet and social media around the world. During my research so far, the most interesting and somewhat terrifying fact is the control of governments over the citizens who are brainwashed with the limited knowledge and information. Main reasons of censorship include protecting the government’s reputation and preventing conflicts caused by political or religious division and movements. These are more reasonable when they have authoritarian political system. However, blocking information from outside to control people is horrific for me who is able to know, learn and study without any restrictions.
Because I’m a native Japanese and (unfortunately) biased about certain neighboring Asian countries, I used to feel that the people of these countries are crazy, really crazy! They act as the leader want them to, and they say what the leader want them to. Now, I know how they have no choice to know the reality, which made me sad. There are organizations that fight for the freedom of information, which was another thing that I did not know!
"They are not Just Crazy" Oh Namiki you always make me laugh! Your topic is really interesting and I did not realize how restricted other countries can be in regards to internet access and information. I'm so used to having the freedom to go online that it never occurred to me that this was a freedom restricted else where. It is scary to think that citizens don't have the right to know different points of views on politics or world events. Thanks for sharing!